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Fair price

Fair price is approximately the calculated price of the vehicle that would be fair at the exact point of time for a particular vehicle. Its formula consists of different factors that are evaluated and ranked by specific criteria, e.g. primary damage, title group have the higher level of priority and fuel type, engine and trim have the lower level. All of the mentioned parameters correspond to a specific value that influences the fair price. Our huge database of final bids and bid history and optimized calculation algorithm make it possible for us to do huge calculations in seconds and provide you with fresh numbers.

Last sold vehicles

Last sold vehicles block purpose is to show you the most relevant last sold vehicles to determine the price of the buyout and to make any predictions on the current lot. Last sold cars are not just random cars but the most relevant to the lot you are observing. Vehicles are shown on the highest criteria match basis. It means that each piece of information we have about the vehicle is evaluated with exact value and compared with all appropriate sold lots in our database on these criteria. After that, the highest score vehicles are chosen and shown to you.

Vehicle rating

Vehicle rating is an innovative and simple way to show riskiness of buying of certain lot. To determine the main criteria we examined more than 100 regular auction clients and market experts of automotive vertical and chose 9 criteria. To make our assessment more accurate we use proven databases and information sources in addition to our vehicle’s history. It makes our vehicle rating very exlusive and exceptional. Grades are ranged from F - the lowest grade to A+ the highest grade. A+ vehicles are the most eligible to bid on.

Sold vehicles chart & popularity level

Sold vehicles graph represents a number of sold vehicles for the last 4 weeks. You can always know the amount of sold cars and forecast their popularity on the auctions. So there is no need to overpay for a car that is not rare. The popularity level block is a supplement to the graph and shows the overall rating of the [make-model-year] vehicle among the same make and out of all vehicles. The graph is a useful feature when you use it together with Last sold vehicles block. It’s also important not to forget about other criteria influence car price.

Vehicles Newsletter

Vehicles newsletter is a nice feature for those who don’t have a lot of time to dig in thousands of vehicles and want to get chosen inventory right into their mailboxes. We have assorted cars on three groups with such titles: Less damage, For rebuild and For parts, so we can satisfy interest in cars of all types. You can choose among any filters to get exactly those cars you want to bid on. You also will get an fair price bid for them that will simplify your decision on the amount of bid. We also will share interesting insights via email so don’t hesitate and subscribe to our newsletter.

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